Call to Action 

Here are the ways you can help strengthen our contract fight!

CAT Recruitment: The Contract Action Team is a crucial aspect of a successful contract campaign. We need more people to fill out our roster which would be a big help in connecting all our workers under the PCL contract. Ask your most passionate fellow union members and let us know when they're ready to join the CAT. We are also looking for Bureau specific CAT Leads for BES, Parks, and PBOT. These Bureau Leads will help the team navigate Bureau specific needs and dynamics. Please contact me at or (503) 208-5699 if interested. 

PUMA Worksite Visit: There is a Local 483 worksite visit scheduled for 7 am Wednesday the 25th at the Swan Island CSO Pumpstation. I, along with many other fine union folk, will be in attendance. I am happy to talk to anyone present who has some interest in the PCL contract. 

Workplace Mapping: We have made significant progress mapping PCL work groups. BES is fully mapped, but Parks and PBOT still have some work to do. If you haven't yet, please email me the following:

CAT Member Name and Job Title: 
Work Location:
PCL Members I'm Responsible for Keeping Up on The Contract(Names and Job Titles):

Contract Actions: Now is the time to meet with fellow members in your work areas and talk about contract action ideas. This could be anything from a day the entire work group wears union swag to a march on the boss’s office.  Anything that shows our solidarity and builds confidence for the future actions members will need to take. Please reach out to the bargaining team or union staff for any help you need in this area. 

Speak Before the City Council: The window to speak with city council about the annual budget is still open. You can schedule an opportunity to speak before the council on a topic of your choosing at If you'd rather write something than speak in public,written testimony can be submitted to the commissioners at Sharing our stories of sacrifice and hardship working as essential employees for the city of Portland is one of the best ways to get the real decision makers on our side. 

05/23 Bargaining Update

After multiple negotiation sessions laboring without, we finally have ground rules for our ongoing bargaining with city management. These guidelines are attached below for your review. Additionally, the city  put forward their first counterproposal. They countered our changes to article #22-Safety and Sanitation with a total reversion to original contract language (minus some grammatical edits). Based on CAT member feedback, the PCL bargaining team decided to wait for more input from members before putting forward any additional proposals. This Tuesday is the PCL Bargaining Team's Caucus Day. We expect to work on the following articles for proposals that will go to the city on May 31st. 

9. Overtime
14. Layoff/Recall
17. Health and Insurance
16. Vacation (Ready but not finalized)
28. Recoupment of Overpayment/Underpayment

If you, or any members you know, have ideas about these articles please let us know. Many have already reached out to the CAT Lead James O'Laughlen with ideas that have already been forwarded to the bargaining team. As ever, feel free to contact any Bargaining Team members directly.