COVID-19 Updates and Resources
We have added a page on this website to share COVID-19 updates, communications, and resources with you all in one place.
Please visit
COVID-19 Related Business Layoffs, Closures, and Unemployment Insurance Benefits
*Employment Department Temporary Rules for Unemployment Insurance Benefits Flexibility*
For more information and resources, please go to the State of Oregon website.
The summary above (click on the State website) provides general guidance to employers, workers, and job seekers who may be impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus. This document gets updated by the State as more information becomes available. The Oregon Employment Department is working with partner agencies nationwide and the U.S. Department of Labor to ask for additional unemployment benefits options related to COVID-19.
Laborers' Local 483 is a member run, rank and file union. We strive to build a good life for our families and work hard to serve our communities! As union members we unite to stand up for respect and fairness at work. We fight to maintain good jobs and safe work conditions. Together we seek to build communities that respect all workers’ rights to organize. Together we can unite to build a better future for all.
Additional Resources:
Oregon Health Authority
Information about COVID-19, email updates, videos
Multnomah County Health Department
FAQ, how to clean your workplace, situation reports
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
National website with a variety of resources
Need to get in contact with Laborers’ Local 483?
Local 483 Office: (503) 239-5676
Local 483 hotline: (503) 232-0299
Attention! W. Vernie Reed Scholarship Extension!
The LIUNA NW Region W. Vernie Reed Scholarship
deadline has been extended to June 1, 2020
Every LIUNA Local in the Northwest Region qualifies for a $3,000 scholarship
The child of one of our PBOT members received a scholarship of $2,500 in 2019
It is open to Laborers’ 483 members, their children, and their grandchildren