COVID-19 Updates and Resources

We have added a page on this website to share COVID-19 updates, communications, and resources with you all in one place.

Please visit

April 1 - Updates

Tomorrow Laborers' Local 483 members (City of Portland employees only) will be able to access emergency paid sick leave for leaves related to COVID-19. Please see this page for additional information. Workers who want to use this leave should contact their HR Business Partner. Please contact your Lead Steward if you have any issues taking leave. 

LiUNA has a new app for download that provides up-to-date information about COVID-19 and worker safety. You can download the app by following this link: 

We are encouraging members to reach out to your Lead Steward with safety concerns on the worksite. This can include lack of PPE, access to hand-washing or hand sanitizer, and other issues concerning barriers to COVID-19 transmission.

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that 639 Recreation employees will be laid off tomorrow. Laborers' Local 483 is continuing efforts to redeploy these laid-off Rec workers to help community members affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Today we spoke with the Oregon Nurses Association to see how members could potentially make PPE for nurses on the frontline of the pandemic. We are also working to establish a pathway to extra support for Local 483 members laid off as a result of COVID-19 through our partner's at Labor's Community Service Agency.

Redeployment Opportunities for Laid Off Recreation Employees:

Below is a list of links to opportunities for laid off Recreation employees to be redeployed to City of Portland jobs. Workers who successfully apply will maintain their current wage rate. 

  • NEW! Delivery Driver - Apply here to become a delivery driver.

  • Warehouse Coordinator - Note: you do not need previous warehouse experience to apply for this job. Apply here.

  • Disaster Resource Center (Homeless Shelters) - Note: if you have concerns with safety protocol related to these positions please see the attached DRC FAQ document. Apply here.

Please continue to contact Lead Stewards with your concerns. They are the point of contact for information and safety concerns. Being able to send groups of questions to management helps us get answers faster. Below is the list of Lead Stewards' contact information for reference:

PBOT: Randy King | | (503) 998-8387

BES: James O’Laughlen | | (757) 813-6549

Parks: Eric Payne | | (503) 333-8390

Recreation: Jamie Doscher |  | (503) 358-0112

COVID-19 Related Business Layoffs, Closures, and Unemployment Insurance Benefits

​​​*Employment Department Temporary Rules for Unemployment Insurance Ben​efits Flexibility*

For more information and resources, please go to the State of Oregon website.

The summary above (click on the State website) provides general guidance to employers, workers, and job seekers who may be impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus. This document gets updated by the State as more information becomes available. The Oregon Employment Department is working with partner agencies nationwide and the U.S. Department of Labor to ask for additional unemployment benefits options related to COVID-19. 


Laborers' Local 483 is a member run, rank and file union. We strive to build a good life for our families and work hard to serve our communities! As union members we unite to stand up for respect and fairness at work. We fight to maintain good jobs and safe work conditions. Together we seek to build communities that respect all workers’ rights to organize. Together we can unite to build a better future for all.

L483 COVID-19 flyer March 2020half.jpg

Additional Resources:

Oregon Health Authority
Information about COVID-19, email updates, videos

Multnomah County Health Department
FAQ, how to clean your workplace, situation reports

Center for Disease Control and Prevention
National website with a variety of resources

Need to get in contact with Laborers’ Local 483?
Local 483 Office:
(503) 239-5676
Local 483 hotline:
(503) 232-0299

Attention! W. Vernie Reed Scholarship Extension!

The LIUNA NW Region W. Vernie Reed Scholarship

deadline has been extended to June 1, 2020

  • Every LIUNA Local in the Northwest Region qualifies for a $3,000 scholarship

  • The child of one of our PBOT members received a scholarship of $2,500 in 2019

  • It is open to Laborers’ 483 members, their children, and their grandchildren