10/24 PCL Bargaining Update

Strike Authorization Vote:

Today is the final day to cast your vote on Strike Authorization! While a strong majority have already voted, we want 100% participation. If you or any union member you know have not yet voted, please use the link below to fix that. The PCL Bargaining strongly recommends a yes vote. We believe investing the power to strike in your bargaining team will improve our leverage at the table and provide us the best opportunity to win a contract that meets our demands. Cast your vote to demand a fair contract for us all.


New Shirts:

After much delay our new shipment of Union T-Shirts have finally arrived. Wearing these navy blue shirts in and around the workplace on Wednesdays is an easy, stylish way to show management our solidarity. To get ahold of this swag set up a site visit at your workplace, schedule a time to come by the Union Office ( 1125 SE Madison St #206, Portland, OR 97214 ), or attend a Union Event ( Member Meetings, Rallies, Pickets, etc.)

Contact james@liuna483.org for scheduling.