11/07 PCL Bargaining Update

11/01 Bargaining Session:

Despite prior communication that the City would present their financial counter at this (and earlier) bargaining sessions, the day began with the City’s lead negotiator letting us know no financial proposals would be presented. Later in the week the City rescheduled our November 8th bargaining session for November 15th. They have now firmly committed to presenting their full financial counters on the 15th.

Because of the ongoing delay and dysfunction we have seen at the bargaining table we have scheduled to meet with a mediator from the State Employment Relations Board on December 6th. This was the soonest available date.

As many of you know, mediation is one of the necessary steps to take before we are legally able to call a strike. While the PCL Bargaining Team will continue to pursue a strong contract through mediation and negotiations, members should begin preparing themselves for the possibility of a strike early next year.

CAT Meeting Rally Prep

Wednesday night the PCL Contract Action Team will be meeting in person at the union office to prepare for upcoming labor actions. We will be making signs, planning events, and sharing information across workgroups. There will be food and drink to keep us fueled while making ready for the coming fight. All members are encouraged to attend. Even if you can only spare a few minutes, we would love to see you at the local and send you off with some SWAG for your workgroups.

1125 SE Madison St #206, Portland, OR 97214
Doors open from 5-8PM.
Friends and family welcome.

11/17 PBOT Information Picket

The first stop on our informational pickets of PCL worksites will be Kirby Yard. This is one of the major reporting hubs for PBOT workers where many managers work. We want our people from across the contract to show up so these managers can see firsthand that PBOT is strong and united with the rest of our union.

This informational picket will be set for 3-5PM on Thursday November 17th. Additional details forthcoming.