6/08 Bargaining Update

Bargaining Team Site Visits: On Tuesday, our bargaining team toured across the city meeting members in the field to discuss bargaining strategy and the contract issues most important to them. From Mt. Tabor to the East Portland Maintenance Shop, Denorval Unthank Park to Albina Yard (and many job sites in between), the team met with approximately 100 people working under the PCL contract.These workers ranged from newly-minted members who signed a card that day, to decades-long veterans of Laborers 483.

The one consistent theme in our many conversations was a passion from workers to stand up to the city for the contract they deserve. Meeting with Local 483 members has reinforced the bargaining team’s commitment to better wages, safer working conditions, and fairer treatment for our workforce. We plan on many more site visits to get every person in the PCL contract working together toward this goal.

PCL Bargaining Webpage: Monday was the go-live of version 1.0 of the PCL bargaining page on Local 483’s website. This page includes articles the bargaining team has proposed to the city, the legal timeline for our negotiations with the city, a catalog of weekly updates, and more. Currently the page is only available by direct link, but soon those links will be loaded on the union’s homepage. Please take a moment to click the link below, explore the site and provide feedback on what information and features you would like to see in the future.


Union Office: Laborers 483: liuna483@liuna483.org 503-239-5676
Lead Negotiator: Kim Gates: Kim@liuna483.org 503-239-5676

Parks Bargaining Reps
Kilion Haas: kilionrhaas@gmail.com (503) 960-2976
Matt Smith: smithpraska@gmail.com (971) 701-1080 

PBOT Bargaining Reps
Randy King: meneking@gmail.com (503) 998-8387
Joshua LaPierre: JJL3396@GMAIL.COM (503) 548-3092

 BES Bargaining Reps
Eric Chamberlain: edc806@gmail.com (360) 513-6566
Steve DeLong:  jts00@hotmail.com  (217) 415-4762

Contract Action Team Lead
James O’Laughlen: james@liuna483.org (503) 208- 5699